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In healthcare, at-home caregivers are a vital source of support. In-home healthcare workers address the diverse needs of patients who are aging, disabled, or chronically ill.

Despite its rewards, many don’t consider jobs in caregiving to be as important as other careers in healthcare. However, new research shows the demand for home caregivers is growing—and will continue to grow over the next few decades. The future of home caregiving is an exciting one!

If you’re looking to begin a rewarding career, today’s article will explain why you should consider investigating elderly care jobs.

Jobs in Caregiving: These Four Growth Trends Show the High Demand for Home Caregivers

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, opportunities for home healthcare workers were already starting to grow. According to a Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker report, the employment rate in home health grew around 0.3% per month leading up to the pandemic.

Like all industries, healthcare took a hit during the pandemic. Revenue dropped across the board as patients sheltered in place.

However, some interesting things happened during and after the pandemic. Namely, more patients opted for home caregiving instead of staying in rehab facilities or nursing homes.

And the numbers continue to grow. Here are a few trends that prove that a home caregiver career path is a smart career choice.

1. The Growth of the Global Home Healthcare Market

According to Grand View Research, the global home healthcare market is expected to rise annually at a rate of nearly eight percent. Below are some of the reasons for this.

The Demand for Cost-Effective Healthcare Alternatives

No one can deny the cost of healthcare is already high and is only expected to rise.

Insurance companies, governments, and private citizens are looking for cost-effective ways to address healthcare needs. In-home health services are one way to do this.

The Commonwealth Fund found that “hospital at home” programs:

  • Improve patient outcomes

  • Significantly reduce cost of care

  • Ensure patient comfort

Advancements in Technology

Technological advancements are also favoring the home healthcare career path. Home healthcare agencies can closely monitor patients via:

  • Telehealth

  • Telemedicine

  • Remote monitoring

  • Medical monitoring devices

  • Smart sensors

Rising Awareness of Home Care Options

When patients and their families seek medical treatment, many turn to their doctor, the hospital, rehabilitation centers, or nursing homes. Thankfully, more patients are now aware of the in-home healthcare option. They’re learning about in-home care advantages (like personalization of care) and choosing that over other options.

2. North America’s Domination of the Home Healthcare Market

According to the Grand View Research report, North America accounted for 43% of the global home health market in 2022. Why is this?

Aging in America

The primary factor for the need for so many home health workers in the U.S. is because of the growing aging population. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people over the age of 65 by 2050 will be nearly 84 million. That number is nearly double what was projected back in 2012.

The Census Bureau also reported that surviving Baby Boomers will be over the age of 85 in 2050. A Population Reference Bureau report found that Baby Boomers are living longer than previous generations, too. Therefore, more people will need healthcare, and in-home care is one of the best options for this generation.

3. Estimates Show the U.S. Needs Millions of Home Healthcare Workers Soon

Mercer’s 2021 U.S. Labor Market report showed that the U.S. will need more than 10 million in-home caregivers within the next five years. Researchers are worried because they estimate a substantial shortage of at-home caregivers, with over 3.2 million positions to fill. The demand for at-home caregivers is an enormous one.

4. Patients Want More Value-Based Care

Value-based care is a medical term that focuses on the patient experience and quality of care provided. Value equates to what the patient views as most important.

In a value-based system, healthcare workers work together to manage the health of and achieve the goals of each patient. They do all they can to ensure the patient’s comfort and convenience. The goal is to keep patients safe and healthy so they can avoid ending up in the hospital.

Patients can receive value-based care through Medicare or Medicaid and private programs. These programs enhance the healthcare experience by:

  •  Allowing patients to take part in disease prevention programs

  •  Finding ways to ease navigation between healthcare providers

  •  Accessing disease prevention and treatment education

  •  Providing patients with more care options

  • Providing innovative ways to communicate with providers and carers

Patients appreciate the patient-centered approach to healthcare. They want to be treated like individuals and receive care that’s especially for them.

Because of this, value-based care is gaining in popularity and is only expected to rise. In-home healthcare workers can provide this type of exceptional care and reduce the patient’s risk of hospitalization.

The Results of the Growing Demand for At-Home Care

Researchers noticed some interesting results from the increase in the demand for home caregivers. Since the pandemic, new patient populations have been introduced into in-home care programs, including:

  • Patient Care: Since value-based care aims to reduce hospitalization and ER visits, more patients are receiving preventive treatment and resources. Additionally, training programs for home healthcare workers allow them the opportunity to care for patients with unique needs.

  • Patient Age: Home healthcare agencies, like Homewatch CareGivers, now provide care for patients of all ages. We provide in-home care for the elderly, as well as younger patients who have chronic health conditions. Again, one of the reasons for this is value-based care. It is often more beneficial for the patient to receive care in the comfort of their home, regardless of their age. However, we’d be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the growing need for home care for the elderly, especially in the U.S.

The Future of Home Caregiving: What’s on the Horizon?

For people who are interested in taking care of the elderly, job rates are good. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for caregiving jobs is expected to rise by 22% over the next 10 years. The report shows that this rate is faster than previously anticipated.

The reason for the increased need for in-home healthcare workers (over 680,000 needed every year) is the growing aging population. Another cause is the projected increase in patients with chronic illnesses. One estimate expects chronic disease cases to increase by 99.5% by 2050.

Yet another cause for the increase in chronic disease and senior care employment opportunities is job turnover. As the population gets older, more home healthcare workers will retire. New home caregivers are needed to fill those roles.

What Types of Patients Benefit from In-Home Care?

In addition to caring for the elderly, home healthcare workers can also help the following types of patients.

  • The blind

  • Those with serious illnesses (flu, pneumonia, etc.)

  • Patients on dialysis

  • Patients who have heart conditions

  • Those who have suffered a stroke

  • Diabetic patients

  • Patients with COPD

  • Patients with other respiratory illnesses

  • Alzheimer’s patients

  • Patients with Dementia

  • Cancer patients

  • Patients with multiple chronic health conditions

  • Patients who’ve had joint replacement surgery

  • Patients who have trouble eating or swallowing

  • Amputees

  • Patients with depression

  • Patients who experience dizziness or falls

  • Those with a lack of coordination

In-Home Care for the Elderly: Why Patients Prefer “Aging in Place”

Value-based care at home from a home healthcare worker is preferred by many patients. In fact, according to a 2021 AARP survey, 77% of adults over 50 want to “age in place.”

What benefits come from getting in-home assistance from a home healthcare worker?

Comfort and Convenience

Patients get to stay in the comfort of their own homes. They feel at ease. They can be themselves. They know where everything is, and don’t have to downsize to move into a care facility. All their belongings can stay with them, including their precious pets! They also feel safe and secure within the walls of a familiar environment. And it’s likely easier for friends and family to visit a patient when they’re at home.

Personalized, Comprehensive Care

In-home health patients are treated as individuals. They aren’t treated like a number and don’t receive the same care/treatment as everyone else because of the need to streamline care. Instead, they have a healthcare worker or team who is there to serve their unique needs. In-home care also improves the consistency of care.


Patients often feel safer within their own homes. But not only will they feel safer emotionally, they’ll likely be safer physically. It isn’t uncommon for illnesses to spread quickly in a nursing facility due to close quarters. Keeping the aged and infirm at home can help prevent further illness, such as:

  • COVID-19

  • Pneumonia

  • Gastroenteritis

  • Respiratory infections

  • Skin infections

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Soft tissue infections

Home Caregiver Career Paths: Why Consider Elder Care Jobs?

Here are just four reasons why you should explore a career in at-home caregiving.

1. You Don’t Need Expensive Training, Certification, or Licensure to Get Started

One of the wonderful things about home caregiver career paths is that they’re relatively easy to start. You don’t need to have a college degree, healthcare certificate, or any sort of license. If you have an excellent work ethic, a compassionate personality, and a desire to assist, you’re a good candidate.

2. Caregiving is an Emotionally Rewarding Career

Many who start a career in healthcare do so because they’re looking for something more than a job, more than an income. They want to help the people in their community, especially those in dire need.

A caregiving career can make you feel like you’re contributing to society because you’re offering a helping hand to those who can’t care for themselves. Not only are you helping patients perform daily tasks, but you’re also helping improve their quality of life. Caregiving goes beyond physical support. You also offer emotional support, keep a patient’s dignity intact, and provide companionship.

Because of this, home caregivers often feel a sense of fulfillment when they go to work each day. Knowing they can help a patient feel comfortable, safe, and valued brings deep satisfaction.

3. Caregiver Training Programs and the Opportunity to Advance

Some home healthcare agencies provide in-house training. The purpose of this is to not only help you learn the skills you need to succeed at your job but also to provide the level of care the agency and patient expect.

For example, Homewatch CareGivers provides in-house caregiver training programs at two levels.

  • National Brand Standard of Quality Care Education: Caregivers receive a minimum of 12 hours of education each year. They learn how to safely operate assistive devices, such as oxygen devices and mechanical lifts. Online courses provide further education regarding patient safety, such as caring for patients with mobility issues. Additionally, courses are taught by industry experts and organizations, including the Alzheimer's Association.

  •  Homewatch CareGivers University: Continuing education ensures patients always receive high-quality care. It also allows our caregivers to advance their careers. Our online learning platform is flexible, so caregivers can learn at a pace and time that is convenient for them. They’ll receive 24/7 access to the platform, which includes courses to further develop caregiving skills, as well as caregiver wellness and personal development.

4. Homewatch CareGivers Offers Specialized Services

Whether you’re interested in jobs taking care of the elderly or want to serve in a more specialized capacity, you can find the ideal job as a caregiver. Homewatch CareGivers provides:

  • Dementia care

  • Physical assistance

  • Transportation services

  • Companion care

  • Traumatic brain injury care

  • Post-surgery care

  • Care for children

  • Postpartum care

  • Spinal injury care

  • Chronic conditions care

  • End-of-life care

Whatever direction you want to take your career as a caregiver, Homewatch CareGivers can help.

Skills Needed to Qualify for Senior Care Employment Opportunities

To take advantage of the demand for home caregivers, you must first make sure you have the right skills. According to home healthcare agencies, the most sought-after skills are so-called soft skills. According to the dictionary, soft skills are “personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.”

Soft skills that make you a viable candidate for elder care jobs include:

  • Patience

  • Compassion

  • Empathy

  • Respect

  • Optimism

  • Good interpersonal communication

  • Flexibility

  • Creative problem-solving

  • Time management

It’s also important to have good health and stamina, as caregiving can sometimes be a physically demanding job.

Caregiving Jobs: Elderly Care Job Opportunities and Career Paths

If you want job security and want to advance your career, a job in home healthcare services might be right for you.

With this type of job, you can achieve job security because of the growing U.S. aging population. There will always be a need for someone to help the elderly.

As a home healthcare worker, you often have the ability to work full- or part-time. Therefore, if you want to advance your career through further education, you have the time to do so. You can use the education tools provided by Homewatch CareGivers or you can go back to school (while keeping your job!) to become a:

  • Medical scientist

  • Medical researcher

  • Nurse

  • Medical assistant

  • Nurse practitioner

  • Doctor

  • Teacher (teaching subjects such as medicine, aging, dementia, sociology, psychology, etc.)

You can even vary your schedule so you can work so many days per week with in-home healthcare clients, while other days are spent working in a hospital. The options are broad for anyone ready to put in the time and effort.

Shaping the Future of Homecare: Navigating Challenges and Embracing Rewards

As the demand for in-home care for the elderly continues to surge, caregivers are needed more than ever. And Homewatch CareGivers is ready to fill that demand.

We are always looking for compassionate caregivers with high standards of care and a great work ethic. If that describes you, we’d love to meet you! Contact us to apply for one of our senior care employment opportunities. We want to help you achieve your career goals, while simultaneously helping the elderly and infirm in our community.

We believe our caregivers are the future of healthcare. We value their hard work, invaluable insights, and contributions. We also want to help our caregivers find a career they love, advance as much as possible, and successfully navigate the healthcare industry. When we work together, we can achieve incredible things and enjoy the rewards of caring for our elderly neighbors.

Are you interested in working for Homewatch CareGivers? Apply here to start your new career today!




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